AI in daily life CLOUDMATRIX decrypts AI strategies

CLOUDMATRIX put efforts in AI field to prepare for the post-epidemic era
COVID-19 really changes the life of people all around the world. It becomes an important topic for businesses to come up with strategies for the market change. AI as the new business model is steals the spotlight. Its innovative services and values have achieved the goal of making the market sustainable and ever-growing.
CLOUDMATRIX is dedicated in providing intelligent solution for all industry verticals, like enterprise, factories, schools, retails, and health cares. With many experiences in actual installation of the solutions, CLOUDMATRIX fully understands the needs and concerns of each client. Together, CLOUDMATRIX helps many businesses to make break-through of the old AI model, and create greater solution value for the future.
Launch a full range of solutions to solve the problem for health care
CLOUDMATRIX is honored to be invited to AI in the city of cloud seminar hosted by WPG Taiwan. CLOUDMATRIX not only shares its experiences in the AI market, but also mentions the growing demands for contactless and distanced detection solutions. There are five smart applications that CLOUDMATRIX proposes: attendance control, thermal detection, mask detection, crowd control and social distance, these applications can be used in many fields, and also have great value during the pandemic.

● Hospital Managing Zone
By putting the smart thermometer with facial recognition AIO at the reception desk of the medial clinic can accelerate the process of registration. The clinic is actively looking for a no contact smart thermometer allows to measure visitors body temperature before granting entry to the facility. This can substantially reduce the man-power for registration, and also prevent virus intrusion.
● Hospital Public Zone
For the crowded areas like receptions, pharmacies, and cafeterias, it is crucial to keep track of the number of people and social distance in the medical areas. Using AI to do the people counting and social distance is the best solution for over-crowded areas.
● Hospital Ward Zone
CLOUDMATRIX proposes a preventive solution to meet medical needs for fall detection. The fall detection is customizable in terms of detecting patient’s posture status, bed movement, and the proportion of space. Furthermore, it provides an easy-to-use API, the sensor device can integrate with the medical care back-end system, sending alert notifications instantly.